Machine Learning as Probabilistic (Bayesian) modelling, in simpler language
tutorialFebruary 17, 2017
Motivation. Many DSLab-HUST members, including myself back in late 2015, had been struggling with studying probabilistic (Bayesian) modelling given pretty limited training we had. The issue got worse when some others, instead, explored Deep Neural Networks - DNN first, and their intersection - Deep Bayesian modelling, where the links / intuition between the 2 domains were hard to made without a proper foundation in Probabilistic modelling. I reckoned that adding more training sessions to the existing ones with revised ML fundamentals - to fill in probabilistic interpretation and DNN bits, more visualization - to accompany the equation, and augmented graphical model notation - to include deterministic nodes in stochastic structures - might have alleviated the problem. For that this series was developed, and added to the training sessions in early 2017 - while I was a Research assistant at the lab. “Base” course for Machine Learning (ML) starters, under the language of probabilistic modelling. Pre-requisite for subsequent training sessions in Probabilistic (graphical) models e.g. Topic models, Deep Learning, and other ML topics.
The objective of this course is to introduce core concepts of modern Machine learning under probabilistic perspective, with (i) more visualization & interpretation of the accompanied math, and (ii) augmented graphical model notation to incorporate DNN architectures into stochastic structure of Probabilistic models. Upon completing this course, the learners can, hopefully, explore the spectrum of ML/AI research with minimal guidance, keep their heads up on the big picture to not get lost in the complexity of the field, later learn advanced materials more efficiently.
Pre-requisite. Basic knowledge in the following mathematical areas
- Linear Algebra: understand the notion of vectors and space to represent data; basic arithmetics: dot product, matrix multiplication.
- Probability & Statistics: understand the notion of probability distribution to quantitatively express “possibilities”
- Calculus: can do partial derivatives, know the chain-rule (not required for “base” course if not diving deep into how learning task is done, but recommended for the long-term nevertheless)
Core concepts
Via the lens of probabilistic modelling, we will introduce the following high-level concepts (in bold italic).
Tip: read the side notes, tap on the numbered superscript below (if you’re on your phone) for more details.
Build a Machine Learning model
- Design principle: Model “Model is a simplification of reality”. Formulate real-life problems as parametric models. Note: non-parametric models/methods are not covered and left for further reading after “base” course. See the map. = (model) StructureRelationships between the elements of a model: data, parameters, and hyperparameters. Relationships can either be deterministic or stochastic, and can be summarized graphically by graphical models. + Learning FrameworkProbabilistic framework: maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian reasoning. Non-probabilistic frameworks include differential geometry, which is more mathematical i.e. more abstract, and is only recommended upon completing
node in the study-plan.
Note: the term “Architecture” - often seen in DNN - can be thought of as a sub-concept of “Structure”
- Tasks to do: Learning, Inference, and Decision makingRealize a model by finding/computing (point) estimates of unknown parameters/ hyper-parameters (learning task) of the model; other quantities of interest, e.g. predictive posterior distribution of outcomes/ estimates of missing data/ … given trained model (inference tasks), in order to make optimal decisions - prediction, actions - under uncertainties.
Evaluate performance of a model
- Assessment metrics: Which metrics to measure model performance?
- Model selection: Which model to use, or can we ensemble / average different models?
- Model criticism: Are the results meaningfulin terms of statistical significance, interpretability, or interesting observation and legitimateWe will touch on Experimental design ?
Regularize a model
- To fight overfitting issue. Example approaches: weight penalty, Bayesian inference/reasoningWe will also see Bayesian reasoning, and eventually Bayesian inference methods, when building generative models for clustering problem , Data augmentation, Dropout, Ensemble methods
- To strive for human-interpretable model via sparsitycovered in Topic Models course or other objectives.
Course notes
Session 1 - Introduction & Primer on Building a Machine Learning solution
Session 2 - Principles of Modelling: Model structure (linear models), Learning framework
Session 3 - Model structure (non-linear models), Regularization, Model selection
Session 4 - Bayesian inference, Generative models
Session 5 - Introduction to Latent Variable Models & How to learn classical LVMs
For this course
Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning class (Coursera or CS229) <- Practical introduction to ML and common ML algorithms.
Stanford CS231n - ConvNet for Visual Recognition <- Practical course on DNN under the context of visual recognition.
Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective (Kevin Murphy) <- Comprehensive textbooks on Probabilistic modelling. Alternative: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Christopher Bishop)
For bigger, more expressive landscape of Deep Bayesian modelling
Shakir Mohamed’s talk on Deep Generative Models in Deep Learning Summer School, 2016 <- Terrific summary of modelling principles and categorization of model classes
Durk Kingma’s PhD Thesis <- Self-contained references for the building blocks of the most recent advances such as Amortized inference with path-wise Stochastic-gradient VI (where VAE is a special case), Variational Dropout, Inverse Autoregressive Flow
Course logistics
2 sessions/week: 1x “Lecture” session + 1x optional “Study-group” session.
Lectures are meant to lead you in the right direction, and that’s it — just to get you started. They are not meant to tell you everything in every details. Thus, you should also utilize the reference reading materials, online resources for missing details
It should also be reckoned that we do not know everything. In many situations, we don’t even know what we don’t know. Thus do not hesitate to get in touch with the course instructors, the teaching assistant, your classmates, circles of friends for further support/discussion/…